Transfer Referral Account

If you are changing your wallet address, simply follow the steps below.

If you are changing your wallet address, you may want to transfer the referral account ownership to your new address. This will allow your new address to collect all future passive income generated by your old referral link. The transfer process is simple and only takes a few minutes.

👉 This process ensures that you continue to receive passive income from your referrals, even if you change addresses.

👉 Simply log into your account, navigate to the referral section, and enter the new address in the appropriate field.

👉 Confirm the transfer account - and sign the request.

👉 Once the transfer is complete, all future payments will be sent to your new address.

You can cancel the account transfer until the new recipient has confirmed the transfer.

All operations should now occur in your new (recipient) account.

👉 Open on your new account and confirm or reject the transfer.

👉 The final step: Confirm the transfer on your new wallet via a signature.

Please be advised that from this point forward, your new address will use the original referral link as its link and will gain all the future passive income attached to the ownership of that referral link under fair terms and conditions.

Last updated